Kenyataan Media oleh Arul Kanda
Presiden & Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan 1Malaysia Development Berhad
5 November 2015
Integriti PAC mesti dihormati
Saya merujuk kepada perintah oleh Speaker Dewan Rakyat YB Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia terhadap cabaran YB Tony Pua untuk berdebat dengan saya di televisyen secara langsung. Saya sangat menghormati Speaker dan kebijaksanaan beliau dalam menjaga integriti Dewan yang mulia itu dan prosiding PAC.
YB Tony Pua telah mencabar saya untuk berdebat di televisyen secara langsung pada 29 Oktober 2015. Pada hari yang sama, saya telah menerima cabaran YB Tony Pua dengan satu syarat – “Demi mengekalkan integriti siasatan PAC, dan untuk mengelakkan sebarang konflik berkepentingan, YB Tony Pua mesti meletakkan jawatan terlebih dahulu daripada PAC”. Apabila YB Tony Pua tidak mempunyai keberanian untuk melakukan perkara yang betul dan meletakkan jawatan daripada PAC, pada 31 Oktober 2015, saya telah menarik balik syarat tersebut. Saya telah menerima cabaran beliau tanpa sebarang syarat memandangkan YB Tony Pua telah membuat pelbagai dakwaan yang salah terhadap 1MDB dan saya sendiri, jadi saya mahu berdebat secara terbuka dan membetulkannya.
Sekarang YB Tony Pua telah mengesahkan bahawa beliau tidak akan meletakkan jawatan dari PAC dan beliau tidak akan berdebat dengan saya. Beliau telah memilih untuk bersembunyi di sebalik keahliannya dalam PAC untuk lari daripada pertarungan yang beliau secara agresifnya menganggu saya untuk menerima, di mana saya telah bersetuju tanpa sebarang syarat.
Berdasarkan pengalaman lepas, saya syaki cabaran Tony Pua lebih berunsurkan politik daripada keinginannya untuk mendedahkan kebenaran. Sebagai Ahli Parlimen untuk dua penggal, sepatutnya beliau sudah arif dengan prosedur Parlimen dan tahu bahawa debat itu tidak akan berlaku.
Saya ambil tahu bahawa gabungan Tony Pua telah menawarkan Rafizi Ramli sebagai pengganti berdebat. Soalan yang paling jelas adalah mengapa tidak YB Rafizi menggantikan YB Tony Pua dalam PAC supaya Tony Pua boleh berdebat dengan saya? YB Tony Pua yang telah mencabar saya. Beliau menjadikannya sesuatu yang peribadi, dan menggunakan kata-kata mengejek seperti “saya tidak akan menumbuk beliau”, “dakwaan saya”, “memalukan saya” dan sebagainya.
YB Tony Pua yang telah mengeluarkan cabaran untuk berdebat dan saya menerimanya tanpa sebarang syarat. Tidak pernah ada sebarang soalan berkaitan debat dengan Pakatan Harapan, tetapi sekarang muncul secara tiba-tiba, dalam keadaan terdesak dan saat-saat akhir, untuk menyelamatkan YB Tony Pua daripada malu. Ini semua jelas permainan politik, di mana saya sebagai seorang professional, tidak akan ditarik bersama.
Saya menghormati YB Rafizi Ramli sebagai pencabar yang layak. Beliau adalah seorang pendebat yang baik dan penuh sifat kelelakian. Saya amat suka zaman berdebat dengan beliau semasa zaman muda kami dahulu. Walaubagaimanapun, Speaker memegang kuasa mutlak bagi semua perkara berkaitan Parlimen. Beliau telah mengeluarkan perintah ke atas tanggungjawab saya sebagai saksi PAC dan sebarang debat hanya boleh diadakan selepas pendengaran kes PAC.
Untuk 10 soalan yang didakwa akan dibangkitkan oleh YB Tony Pua semasa debat, saya dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa 1MDB akan memberi respon untuk kesemua soalan,pada masa dan dalam forum yang sesuai, termasuk pihak berkuasa yang sah seperti PAC.
1MDB menegaskan kesediaan kami untuk berdepan dengan PAC. Pada masa yang sama, saya dan kumpulan akan kekal focus dan komited untuk melaksanakan pelan rasionalisasi 1MDB.
Arul Kanda, Presiden & Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan
1MDB's Reply to Sarawak Report Allegations
1MDB has been made aware of an article, dated 10 October 2015, that has been published in the Sarawak Report, an online blog currently banned in Malaysia. This article has published selectively extracted materials and contains serious and unfounded allegations, in a clear attempt to manipulate readers with respect to events that have previously taken place at 1MDB.
1. 1MDB-Petrosaudi
The fund units, owned by 1MDB subsidiary Brazen Sky Limited, were originally valued at US$2.318 billion in September 2012, as the eventual outcome of various equity and murabaha loan investments totalling US$1.83 billion by 1MDB with PetroSaudi between 2009 and 2011. Over the investment horizon, 1MDB has received and reflected in its audited financial statements, cash returns, i.e. approximately US$81 million murabaha profit, and approximately US$263 million dividends from fund unit investments, i.e. a total cash return of approximately US$346 million and a total gain over time of US$488 million (US$2.318 billion less US$1.83 billion).
2. Fund Unit Redemptions
As of 31 March 2014, the fund units were valued at US$2.33 billion. On 5 November 2014, at the time 1MDB's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2014 were published, an amount of approximately US$1.22 billion had been redeemed, in cash, with proceeds being substantially utilised for debt interest payment, working capital and payments to Aabar as refundable deposits for options termination.
A sum of approximately US$1.11 billion in fund units remained, which together with a dividend of approximately US$130 million, equates to the remainder sum of US$1.23 billion described in the notes to 1MDB's accounts.
On 14 and 24 November 2014, approximately US$170 million of the US$1.11 billion fund units were redeemed, in cash, leaving a balance of approximately US$940 million in fund units. On 2 January 2015, i.e. prior to Arul Kanda joining 1MDB, a final redemption of approximately US$940 million was undertaken through a sale of fund units to Aabar, with cash payment being deferred. (Note: Aabar was separately a guarantor of the fund in which the units were invested but by mutual agreement, the redemption was via sale of fund units instead of calling on the guarantee. This fund unit sale agreement was subsequently superceded via the Binding Term Sheet signed between 1MDB and IPIC, the "AA" rated parent of Aabar, on 27 May 2015, upon which a payment of US$1 billion was made by IPIC to 1MDB.)
3. 1MDB President and Group Executive Director Arul Kanda's comment
Whilst Sarawak Report has published a number of alleged 1MDB related documents in the past, which we now know to be stolen and possibly doctored goods, sourced from a convicted criminal, I can confirm that – in this particular case – it appears to have published an authentic 1MDB document, namely minutes of a 12 January 2015 Board meeting. This was the first 1MDB Board meeting I attended, i.e. a week after I joined the company on 5 January 2015.
At the meeting, I stated to the Board, based on my understanding of events that occurred before my time, that the redemption of fund units happened in cash for an amount of US$940 million. However, upon further investigation and verification, it became clear that this was a misunderstanding, which I then clarified to the Board and our shareholder, the Ministry of Finance. This clarification is clearly recorded in subsequent Board minutes and can be verified.
On 13 January 2015, I confirmed via a press statement that the remaining amount of US$1.11 billion had been redeemed, in full. What was unfortunately not made clear, was that the redemptions happened partly in cash and partly through the sale of fund units, with cash payment being deferred. It is this important distinction which caused a misinterpretation of my statement, first during a Business Times interview on 9 February 2015 and subsequently by the Ministry of Finance, in a Parliamentary answer on 12 March 2015.
I have explained in detail the sequence of events to the National Audit Department and to 1MDB's auditors, Deloitte, as part of their thorough and professional review of 1MDB's past transactions. In addition, I have openly and publicly taken full responsibility in June 2015 for the misunderstanding on this matter – i.e. the buck stops with me.
In my capacity as President, I answer to the Board and the shareholder of 1MDB. My strong track record speaks for itself and my only professional agenda is to fix the challenges in 1MDB. There is no need for me to lie or cover-up what has happened in the past, as has been alleged by those who make sensationalist claims to drive their own political agenda. Accordingly, I look forward to being questioned in detail on this matter at the upcoming Public Accounts Committee hearings and for my answers to be a part of the public record, to conclusively put this matter to rest.
1MDB’s response to BNM
1MDB refers to a statement issued today by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). Since commencement of BNM investigations in June 2015, the current management and Board of 1MDB have fully cooperated, which resulted in investigation papers being submitted to the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC).
Apart from submitting written answers and sharing relevant documents, 1MDB Board members, current and former staff were interviewed by BNM, with detailed witness statements being recorded.
BNM clarified today that it recommended criminal proceedings to the AGC for reasons of “… inaccurate or without complete disclosure of material information …” and not for money laundering or other alleged criminal actions as highlighted by certain media and opposition politicians. However, the AGC, as the legitimate authority for such matters, decided that there was “no offence committed by 1MDB officials” and directed that “no further action should be taken”.
Notwithstanding this direction by the AGC, BNM has issued a Direction for 1MDB to repatriate a sum of US$1.83 billion. This relates to certain historic Permissions granted by BNM between 2009 and 2011 for 1MDB to make overseas investments. It is pertinent to highlight that those Permissions, when granted, had no requirement for funds to be repatriated. Further, the use of those funds have been described in detail in the notes to 1MDB's publicly available financial statements dated 31.03.2009 to 31.03.2014.
The overseas investments of US$1.83 billion relates to historic equity and murabaha loan investments in a joint venture with PetroSaudi in 2009 – 2011, that was eventually converted in September 2012 into fund units valued at US$2.318 billion. As previously explained by 1MDB to BNM, this sum of US$2.318 billion has been redeemed in 2014 and 2015, with proceeds being substantially utilised. The remaining US$940 million of fund units, are guaranteed by Aabar and have been ear-marked for a "debt for asset swap" with its “AA” rated parent, IPIC, as part of the 1MDB rationalisation plan.
It is, therefore, clear that the original US$1.83 billion sum has either been spent or ear-marked for debt settlement arrangements, that will result in a substantial reduction of 1MDB’s debt, per the rationalisation plan. 1MDB has painstakingly provided multiple detailed written and verbal explanations of these facts to BNM between June and end-September 2015.
1MDB fully acknowledges and respects the authority of BNM to revoke its earlier Permissions and to issue any Direction it deems fit under the Financial Services Act 2013, despite the AGC confirming that no offence was committed by 1MDB officials. 1MDB commits to cooperate and continue engaging with BNM, to address their concerns and seek a viable resolution of this outstanding matter
1MDB Rationalisation: Key facts & fundamentals
1MDB refers to a recent unsubstantiated commentary by Penang Chief Minister YAB Lim Guan Eng, linking 1MDB to widening spreads on Government of Malaysia Credit Default Swaps (CDS). It is important to highlight that CDS are a derivative financial instrument, whose values are determined by traders, through demand and supply, and do not necessarily reflect economic facts or fundamentals. In this regard, a CDS spread is a very different indicator to Malaysia’s “A- / A3” credit rating, which reflects the strong ability of the Government of Malaysia to service its debt obligations, with a low probability of default.
It is a fact that the 1MDB rationalisation is being implemented, as planned. The fundamentals of the plan involve, amongst others, a “debt for asset swap” with IPIC, a sale of equity in Edra Energy, a sale of equity in Bandar Malaysia, sale of master-planned land in TRX and disposal of non-core assets. The combined proceeds from the rationalisation plan will substantially reduce 1MDB’s debt, to a sustainable and manageable level by Q4 2015.
In particular, 1MDB highlights the following key facts and fundamentals:
1MDB has successfully sold, in 2015, over RM 1 billion of land in TRX.
Final, binding bids will be received from domestic and international shortlisted bidders for both Edra Energy and Bandar Malaysia between mid-end October 2015, with Sale & Purchase Agreements (SPA) for both assets being executed by December 2015
1MDB has consistently met, with no default, its interest service and principal repayment obligations, to both foreign and domestic lenders.
The Government of Malaysia has guaranteed RM5.8 billion of 1MDB debt (of which, RM 5 billion due only in 2039) and provided a Letter of Support for a USD3 billion bond issued by 1MDB, which is due only in 2023.
At current exchange rates, the principal amount of this long term debt is approx. RM 18.7 billion. Per statistics on the website of Bank Negara Malaysia, this equates to circa 1.7% of Malaysia’s 2014 GDP of approx. RM1.1 trillion and circa 2.9% of Central Government Q2 2015 debt of approx. RM 628 billion.
Accordingly, whilst there is a contingent liability on the Government of Malaysia, 1MDB is confident, based on the facts and fundamentals above, that it will continue to meet its debt service obligations from a successful implementation of the rationalisation plan.
1MDB confident Ringgit will recover
We refer to media reports on certain statements made by Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia at a forum on 21 September 2015.
1MDB is disappointed that Tan Sri Zeti appears to single out 1MDB for the current weakness of the Ringgit. This is despite the well-known fact that the Malaysian Ringgit is one of many currencies including the Norwegian Kroner, the Australian Dollar, the Russian Rouble and the Brazillian Real, for example, that have dropped in value mainly due to the abrupt fall in oil prices, expectations of rising US interest rates and concerns of economic slowdown in emerging markets.
We take this opportunity to highlight that the value of 1MDB's assets exceeds its debt. Furthermore, Tan Sri Zeti will be aware that 1MDB has consistently met, with no default, its interest service and principal repayment obligations, to both foreign and domestic lenders.
Historically, never once has one company been linked in such a way to the value of the Ringgit. We trust that the facts shared by 1MDB and the immediate clarifications issued to date, will provide clarity and assurance to all concerned parties.
1MDB discredits wrong reporting by WSJ
We refer to another poorly sourced and sensationalist article by the Wall Street Journal today relating to an amount “of nearly US$1.0 billion” of payments made by 1MDB for termination of certain options. Given the severity of the unproven allegations, the malicious insinuations made and the impact on the 1MDB rationalisation plan, we would have expected at the very least that the Wall Street Journal would have the decency and courage to name its source and/or provide proof. This inability to substantiate clearly shows the shallow nature of its assertions and casts serious doubt on whether or not the Wall Street Journal editors themselves believe in the weak story, cobbled together by its reporters.
We reiterate that 1MDB cannot speak on behalf of Aabar or IPIC nor can we comment on the accounting arrangements of third parties. What we can confirm is that the notes to the 1MDB 31.03.2014 audited financial statements clearly describe the source of funding and purpose of the payments for the option termination, which for the avoidance of doubt, is structured as a deposit pending determination of the final settlement amount (i.e. it is currently a financial asset belonging to, and not yet an expense to, 1MDB).
1MDB can confirm that pursuant to the payment made by 1MDB, the options were in fact terminated. In fact, 1MDB and its relevant subsidiaries were released and discharged from all agreements, options, covenants, conditions and stipulations on their part under the options and that any rights by any other party towards the options were relinquished and terminated.
We further note a number of blatantly wrong statements made by the Wall Street Journal as described further below:
• “The fund (i.e. 1MDB)….is at the center of a corruption scandal…”
This is patently untrue. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has publicly stated on 3 August 2015 that no funds from 1MBD were remitted to the bank accounts of the Prime Minister.
• “…almost $700 million entered the prime minister’s private accounts through entities linked to 1MDB…”
The use of the term “entities linked to 1MDB” is clearly misleading at best and malicious at worst. The so-called “entities” are “linked” very tenuously, if at all, to 1MDB. In the case of former subsidiary SRC International, it has not been owned by 1MDB since 2012, i.e. well before any of the alleged funds transfers took place. As for Ihsan Perdana, it is a service provider for corporate social responsibility activities, of which 1MDB is one of a number of clients.
• “…the Swiss attorney general’s office opened criminal proceedings against two unidentified executives of 1MDB…”
We confirm that no executives or board members of 1MDB are the subject of any criminal proceedings by the Swiss attorney general’s office. We further confirm that no 1MDB bank accounts have been frozen by either the Swiss or Singapore authorities. We, however, reiterate our readiness and willingness to assist in the investigations conducted by any foreign government agency, subject to advice from the relevant Malaysian authorities and adherence to any relevant international protocols governing such matters.
The clear errors and wrong facts, as described above, raise serious questions on the quality of journalism practised by the Wall Street Journal.
Further, there is a second, brazen and blatant reference, in as many weeks, to the Wall Street Journal having reviewed “a draft report by Malaysia’s Auditor General”.
The Standing Orders of the Malaysian Parliament very clearly states that “the evidence taken before any Select Committee and any documents presented to such Committee shall not be published by any member of such Committee, or by any other person, before the Committee has presented its Report to the House”. It is clear that the foreign Wall Street Journal has no respect for domestic Malaysian law or the Malaysian Parliament.
1MDB is further concerned to note recent press reports highlighting allegations that there may have been a sale of information obtained in the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). If this is true, then, further to the arrogant admission by the Wall Street Journal, it is clear an attempt is being made to prejudice the PAC investigations.
Once again, 1MDB strongly urges the relevant authorities to investigate this matter thoroughly and take all requisite action to preserve the integrity and Standing Orders of the Malaysian Parliament.
- 1Malaysia Development Berhad
Kenyataan Media oleh 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad)
9 September 2015
1MDB Pertahan Penyata Akaun Diauditnya
Kami merujuk kepada artikel berat sebelah oleh Wall Street Journal hari ini berkenaan pembayaran AS$1.4 bilion oleh 1MDB. Kami mengambil maklum bahawa Wall Street Journal tidak menamakan sumbernya atau memberikan sebarang bukti bagi menyokong dakwaan tidak berasas yang dibuat olehnya, lantas menjejaskan kredibiliti artikelnya yang bersifat sensasi tersebut.
1MDB tidak dapat mengeluarkan kenyataan bagi pihak Aabar atau IPIC, dan tidak dapat membuat sebarang komen berkenaan urusan perakaunan pihak ketiga. Apa yang kami dapat sahkan ialah penyata akaun diaudit 1MDB dengan jelasnya telah menyatakan jumlah dan tujuan pembayaran, dan bagi mengelakkan sebarang keraguan, ia distruktur sebagai deposit (iaitu aset kewangan yang dimiliki 1MDB dan bukannya perbelanjaan oleh 1MDB).
Kedua, berdasarkan pembayaran tersebut, kami mengesahkan bahawa IPIC telah dan akan terus memberikan jaminan bagi prinsipal dan faedah ke atas 2 x bon AS$1.75 bilion yang diterbitkan oleh 1MDB, dengan jumlah keseluruhan prinsipal dan faedah kira-kira AS$5.5 bilion.
Ketiga, kami mengesahkan bahawa auditor 1MDB iaitu Deloitte, telah membuat siasatan yang spesifik dan terperinci berkenaan pembayaran tersebut sebelum memberikan kelulusan (sign-off) ke atas penyata akaun diaudit 1MDB.
Keempat, Deloitte dengan sesungguhnya telah mempertahankan kaedah mereka dan proses audit 1MDB ketika sidang Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC), sebuah jawatankuasa dwi-partisan terpilih oleh Parlimen Malaysia. Oleh itu, Wall Street Journal adalah salah bila menyebut “adalah tidak jelas apa yang berlaku kepada dana tersebut”, sekurang-kurangnya tidak daripada perspektif 1MDB.
Lebih penting lagi, kami tidak menyangka sebuah penerbitan yang sehingga kini mempunyai reputasi baik seperti Wall Street Journal akan menggunakan maklumat yang secara terang-terangan adalah sulit dalam laporannya. Kami merujuk secara spesifik pengesahan WSJ bahawa ia telah mengkaji sebuah “transkrip prosiding” daripada sebuah jawatankuasa parlimen yang menyiasat 1MDB, yang mana satu-satunya sumber yang berkemungkinan ialah sidang PAC berkenaan 1MDB.
Peraturan Mesyuarat (Standing Orders) Parlimen Malaysia dengan jelasnya menyatakan bahawa “Keterangan yang diambil di hadapan sesebuah Jawatankuasa Pilihan dan apa-apa surat yang dikeluarkan kepadanya tidak boleh disiarkan oleh siapa-siapa ahli Jawatankuasa itu, atau oleh siapa-siapa jua, sebelum Jawatankuasa itu membawa penyata itu kepada Majlis”.
Tindakan Wall Street Journal ini merupakan perbuatan yang berkemungkinan melanggar undang-undang Malaysia oleh sebuah penerbitan luar yang dihormati. Kami juga ingin menyuarakan kebimbangan kami berkenaan pihak yang terbabit dengan sidang PAC yang mungkin telah membocorkan transkrip ini, yang secara jelasnya merupakan percubaan untuk menimbulkan prejudis terhadap siasatan PAC dan menafikan hak 1MDB terhadap proses wajar seperti yang termaktub dalam undang-undang Malaysia.
1MDB menyeru pihak berkuasa yang berkaitan untuk menyiasat perkara ini dengan menyeluruh dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya bagi memelihara integriti proses dan Peraturan Mesyuarat Parlimen Malaysia.
“1MDB menyambut baik kenyataan yang jelas oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia yang mengesahkan bahawa tiada dana daripada 1MDB dipindahkan kepada Perdana Menteri.
Kami sentiasa menyatakan bahawa syarikat tidak pernah memberikan sebarang dana kepada Perdana Menteri seperti yang dimaklumkan dalam kenyataan media pada 3 Julai 2015, dengan keyakinan bahawa kebenaran akan terbukti.
Bagi berterusan menyatakan sebaliknya, seperti yang dilakukan oleh setiausaha agung PKR Rafizi Ramli dalam blognya semalam, merupakan satu perbuatan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan merupakan percubaan secara sengaja untuk menjejaskan syarikat.
Ini meskipun 1MDB telah mengeluarkan ringkasan penggunaan hutang RM42 bilion tersebut pada 3 Jun 2015, yang merupakan maklumat yang didedahkan di dalam akaun diaudit 1MDB dan boleh diperolehi umum, daripada 31 Mac 2010 hingga 31 Mac 2014.
Sekali lagi kami berkongsi di sini dua infografik ringkasan tersebut.”
- Arul Kanda, Presiden dan Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan


Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) telah menahan seorang lelaki yang merupakan ahli lembaga pengarah syarikat pembinaan semalam. Dia yang ditahan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) kini ditahan reman selama empat hari mulai hari ini. Perintah tahanan reman dikeluarkan oleh Mahkamah Majistret Putrajaya pagi ini.
Lelaki ini ditahan berhubung siasatan yang sedang dijalankan oleh Pasukan Petugas Khas, yang terdiri daripada SPRM, Bank Negara Malaysia dan Polis Diraja Malaysia, berkaitan isu 1MDB.
Siasatan ke atas lelaki ini dijalankan mengikut Akta SPRM 2009.
21 JULAI 2015
Kenyataan Media oleh 1Malaysia Development Berhad
Dikeluarkan pada 20 Julai 2015
Untuk siaran segera
Laporan tidak bertanggungjawab
1MDB mengambil maklum berbagai dakwaan dan kenyataan tidak berasas yang disiarkan oleh The Edge Financial Daily hari ini.
Kami tidak menyangka dakwaan-dakwaan lapuk dan tidak terbukti ini dipergunakan sekali lagi, sedangkan beberapa siasatan serentak kini sedang dijalankan oleh pihak berkuasa berkenaan isu-isu yang ditimbulkan sebelum ini.
Mana-mana pihak yang boleh membantu para penyiasat patut berbuat demikian di bawah peruntukan undang-undang, tanpa perlu membuat laporan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan disensasikan.
1MDB mengulangi keyakinan kami di dalam proses wajar seperti yang dibuktikan oleh siasatan yang sedang dijalankan secara profesional dan teliti oleh pihak berkuasa.
1MDB berikan kerjasama penuh kepada Pasukan Khas
Kami mengesahkan bahawa beberapa orang pegawai daripada Pasukan Khas yang sedang menjalankan siasatan terhadap 1MDB, telah hadir ke pejabat kami hari ini. Mereka dibekalkan dengan beberapa dokumen dan barangan untuk membantu siasatan yang sedang dijalankan.
1MDB memberikan sepenuh kerjasama kepada Pasukan Khas ini dan semua pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan. Kami menekankan kedudukan kami sebelum ini bahawa jika terdapat sebarang salah laku, tindakan harus diambil oleh pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan, mengikut proses yang wajar dan mengikut undang-undang negara.
8 julai 2015