Some friendly advice for my friend YB Tony Pua - Sivarasa Rasiah

11:31 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Media statement by Sivarasa Rasiah, Member of Parliament for Subang dated 18th October 2015.

“Some friendly advice for my friend YB Tony Pua”
From his recent Facebook postings I can see that my friend and colleague in Parliament, YB Tony Pua, member of Parliament for Petaling Jaya Utara seems quite upset, in particular, with two division level leaders of Keadilan from Kelana Jaya division naming them as “a Samy” and “a Murali” and calling them “gangsters” and “disgraceful thugs”. He also claimed that “this Samy and his gang ….charged exorbitant rentals to traders at the traditional site for the Deepavali bazaar in Sungei Way.

Tony also said that “a group of gangsters led by the same Samy and Murali” heckled him as he spoke to the Tamil press in front of the Easwari Temple in Sg. Way on Thursday. Having watched the videos of the incident ( in particular the Kinibiz video ) and read the Malaysiakini accounts dated 15.10.2015 and talked to some of those present, it seems to me quite clear that the heckling started after the crowd present which included traders understood that Tony had just said to the media present that he was opposed to any bazaar at the original site in Sg Way village and, second, that the move to Easwary Temples area was necessary to stop certain persons from committing extortion of the traders in the original site.

These unfortunate accusations are all arising out of a proposed relocation of the Deepavali bazaar traders in their original site in Sg Way village to the new site next to the Easwari Temple. Tony and his assemblyman YB Lau Weng San are in favour of this move. Many traders are strongly opposed to it saying that it jeopardizes their earnings from their stalls.

My advice to both Weng San and Tony is that such matters are best left to the best judgment of the Datuk Bandar of Petaling Jaya and his councillors. We should not interfere unless the decisions made at MBPJ are clearly unreasonable or obviously wrong or against stated policies of the Pakatan coalition.
Tony and Weng San would also know that a majority of the MBPJ councilors have in fact already proposed to the Datuk Bandar a win-win solution where the Deepavali bazaar for Sg Way would be conducted, for this year anyway, at both the original site ( where it has run for 15 years at least ) and the new site near Easwary Temple ( as a trial run for evaluation ). This would also be known to many of the traders involved. Therefore, my advice would be, rather than make controversial public pronouncements on the matter, let us leave this to the Datuk Bandar of MBPJ and his councilors to resolve.

I also wish to point out that the DAP is now again in a formal coalition with Keadilan and Amanah, a move which we have all welcomed. We must therefore manage complaints about one another ‘s members in the spirit of coalition building. If there is evidence of wrong-doing, we should present it to the leadership of the party concerned. I must make this clear - if there is evidence, Keadilan will not tolerate such misconduct and will take the necessary action.
However making unsubstantiated serious allegations that extortion is taking place without specifics ( as was discernible in the video ) does not assist at all. Name calling aggravates the accused persons further. The video shows some of those present demanding evidence from Tony and for which there seemed to be no immediate response. That has now resulted in those Tony accused and some other traders filing police reports at the IPD Petaling Jaya yesterday against Tony in defence of their reputation. This is also an unfortunate development.

The Deepavali bazaar in the original site in Sg Way has been operating there for at least 15 years. Since Pakaan took over from 2008, I am not aware of any specific complaints to MBPJ or police reports made by traders or others since 2008 alleging extortion of themselves by third parties. Last Thursday appears to be the first time such allegations are being made in public to justify moving the bazaar. If there is any such evidence implicating our members, then we would urge Tony to present it to the party.

Then, on Friday, certain DAP leaders organized a press conference where one Indian gentleman appears to be complaining that he has been prevented by from running his stall in the new site at Easwary Temple. He also complained that Samy had prevented him from getting a stall in the original site. Such allegations can and should be taken to MBPJ or even the police for them to investigate. On the other hand, I am told that traders at the Deepavali bazaar original site who were present at the IPD Petaling Jaya yesterday made statements to the media that they have no experience of any form of extortion and having to make exorbitant payments.

Keadilan will not tolerate any proven criminal conduct on the part of its members, especially the misconduct alleged by Tony that acts of extortion are being perpetrated.

Keadilan regrets very much that Tony was subjected to the angry and rude statements that were hurled at him when he went to the Easwary Temple to do his press conference on Friday. However as a experienced member of parliament regularly handling people’s grievances, I am sure that Tony would appreciate that people who perceive proposed changes as threatening their meagre incomes can react emotionally and aggressively. Some of these traders are having great difficulty understanding why Ton y and Weng San are insisting that the bazaar move to the new site when the majority of the MBPJ councilors have now proposed the win-win solution that it can operate in both sites. When one insistently waves the proverbial red flag at an angry bull, it is naïve to expect the bull to sit patiently and watch.

My friend YB Pua has done sterling work ( and continues to do ) on critical national issues such as IMDB. He should concentrate on those issues and leave more mundane issues, like as in this case, about where a Deepavali bazaar should be located, to the appropriate authorities to decide.
We have far bigger battles to fight. We need to remove Prime Minister Najib and end the corrupt oppressive and inefficient rule of UNMO and BN. Let us remain united and focused on that.

Sivarasa Rasiah
Member of Parliament for Subang. Member ofPolitial Bureau and Central Leadership Council, Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

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Apa selepas H60K FASTAQIM ? Khalil Hadi

11:29 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Apa selepas H60K FASTAQIM ?

01 Syukur alhamdulillah H60K Fastaqim berjaya diadakan dengan kehadiran di luar jangkaan yang membuktikan komitmen ahli dan penyokong PAS kepada jamaah Islam yang dicintai ini.

02 Ingat ikrar yang dilafazkan bersama-bersama untuk menerajui bahtera perjuangan ini membawa obor Islam ke persada tanahair.

03 Perkukuhkan tarbiyah di semua peringkat akar umbi parti kerana Tarbiyah adalah Teras Istiqamah.

04 Lebarkan da'wah Islam kepada segenap masyarakat. Kepada bukan Islam ketahuilah Islam yang diperjuangkan oleh PAS ini menjamin hak-hak mereka dari sudut berugama, adat dan muamalat. Kepada masyarakat Islam Melayu marilah bersama-sama PAS menyelamatkan negara dengan Islam bukan dengan perkauman Melayu sempit yang telah terbukti kegagalannya satu persatu. Bukan juga dengan golongan yang bertopengkan Islam akan tetapi hanya menjadi ' pak turut ' kepada golongan yang mempunyai agenda terhadap Islam.

05 Yakinlah bahawa kemenangan Islam adalah pasti kerana ianya janji Allah dan Dia sekali-kali tidak akan memungkiri janji-Nya. Bila dan bagaimana ianya berlaku itu bukan urusan kita. Kewajipan kita ialah untuk terus istiqamah memperjuangkan ugamanya dengan penuh keikhlasan kepada Allah.

Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi
Timbalan Ketua DPPM
5 Muharram 1437 / 18 Oktober 2015

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Infaq Fi Sabilillah - Nasrudin Hassan

11:28 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Infaq Fi Sabilillah.

Alhamdulillah. PAS adalah sebuah gerakan Islam yang dibiayai sepenuhnya dari poket ahli dan penyokongnya. PAS menerima sumbangan derma dari ahli secara terbuka dan mengisytiharkannya juga secara terbuka. Pada kebiasaannya PAS akan umum jumlah penerimaan sumbangan itu diakhir majlis. Tetapi sumbangan di majlis Himpunan Fastaqim tidak dapat diumumkan kerana kelewatan kiraan untuk memuktamadkan jumlahnya.

Insyaallah keseluruhan wang sumbangan itu tidak akan masuk mana - mana akaun peribadi melainkan ianya adalah untuk membiayai kos penganjuran Himpunan Fastaqim serta kegunaan parti untuk aktiviti Amal Islami dan gerakkerja parti yang memperjuangkan Islam dan Syariatnya.

Suka saya maklumkan bahawa perkara ini tidak perlu menjadi polemik dan fitnah. Jumlah sumbangan yang diterima di Majlis Himpunan Fastaqim ialah RM209,577.00 sahaja.

Terima kasih kepada semua penyumbang dan yakinlah sumbangan anda akan digunakan sepenuhnya untuk aktiviti Amal Islami dibawah gerakkerja PAS.

Nasrudin Hassan
Setiausaha Fastaqim

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Bank Negara Ada Hak Untuk Dakwa 1MDB - Wan Ahmad Fayhsal

11:01 PM 0 Comments A+ a-


Dengan pendedahan minit-minit mesyuarat 1MDB melibatkan Tan Sri Bakke Salleh, maka jelaslah sejelas-jelasnya kini kenapa Bank Negara pertama-tama sekali keluarkan notis "WANTED" kepada Casey Tang dan Jasmine Loo sewaktu Gani Patail masih jadi AG dan kenapa Bank Negara dakwa 1MDB di bawah Exchange Control Act.

Segala auta sarkis para penglipur lara 1MDB terbukti batil dan menghina Bank Negara dengan mempersendakan dakwaan Bank Negara hanyakerana 1MDB tak lengkap isi borang, "technical" saja. Casey Tang jelas menipu Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB yang asal di bawah pimpinan Tan Sri Bakke Salleh dan Jasmine Loo jelas menjadi pengantara kepada Jho Low.

Ini bermakna keputusan Peguam Negara tempoh hari adalah salah dan beliau tidak boleh lagi menolak kertas siasatan Bank Negara ke atas 1MDB kerana bukti penyelewengan adalah jelas.

Saya nak tengok semua golongan yang maki hamun Tun Mahathir, yang membakul sampahkan The Edge dan yang menghina saya seperti Tuan CFO Saiful Bahari Baharom (CEO Labuan IBFC), Tuan Haji CFO Azmi Arshad, Seademon, dan ramai lagi mengaku salah kerana memfitnah para pejuang yang telah menyiasat 1MDB dengan penuh profesional.

Adakah mereka berani lakukan perkara yang betul sebagai seorang Muslim? Atau mereka masih ingin bersifat angkuh seperti Iblis yang biarpun kebenaran jelas, masih ingin menafikannya dengan mentalbiskan kebatilan ke atas kebenaran?

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