Memorandum of Protest: Deterioration of Human Right in Egypyt - Khalil Hadi

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The regime of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has been engaged in unprecedented acts of human rights violations since the overthrown of the first freely elected president of Mohamad Morsi in 2013. These include:

1. The killings of more than 1,150 protestors during a pro-Morsy sit-in in Rabiah al Adawiya Square in Cairo. It is reported that 817 protestors alone were killed in what perhaps to be the largest mass killing of protestors on a single day in modern history – worst than the Tiananmen Square massacre. To date, there have been no conviction of security officials involved in the massacre.

2. The government has also effectively banned all forms of protests in a crackdown of democratic principles and has closed and evict local and international human rights watch groups and detain journalists including those from international news organizations.

3. Thousands have been detained, charged and sentenced between July 2013 and October 2015 by the security forces, languishing in overcrowded and deplorable detention. Many have been sentenced to death including the rightful president Mohamad Morsy, based almost entirely on testimony of security officials without the backing of strong tangible evidence.

4. Aggressive counter insurgency actions in Sinai that have seen neighborhoods and families displaced from their home and rights to their own lands.

In view of the deteriorating state of human rights situation in Egypt, the PAS Youth of Malaysia strongly urge the United Nations to:
i. Immediately call for referendum amongst members of Security and Human Rights Councils to censure and condemn the regime of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for its human rights violations.
ii. Pressure international government to suspend and stop all forms of military support and arms supply to the regime.
iii. Initiate economic embargo against Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and members of his close circle from within the government and his security apparatus.


Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi
PAS Deputy Youth Chief

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